Your Quick Guide to Jump Start Your Car with a Dead Battery

Your Quick Guide to Jump Start Your Car with a Dead Battery

August 14, 2020

Your car battery can die for a host of reasons: lack of maintenance, low temperature, leaving the AC or lights on when the car is idle, and not starting the car for months, which is likely to be the most common reason amid COVID-19, as the pandemic has forced everyone to stay at home, kicking “driving” out of the picture. But, you can always jump-start the battery and get your car running again; however, you will need a set of jumper cables and another car with a functional battery. If none is available, you will need to call a mobile battery installation service to fix the issue.

Your Quick Guide to Jump Start Your Car with a Dead Battery

If you ever get stranded on the road with a dead car battery, here’s how to jump-start it:

NOTE: Never jump-start the battery if it is visibly leaking acid or cracked, as you can put yourself at serious risk.

Step 1: park the car with the dead battery parallel or nose-to-nose to another car with a functional battery and open the bonnet of each vehicle.

Step 2: take out the jumper cables. It’s a good idea to keep a pair of these cables in your car. 

Step 3: take the red jumper cable and connect one end to the positive terminal of the dead battery and another to the positive terminal of the functional battery. 

Step 4: repeat the same using the black jumper cable, connecting the negative terminals of both of the batteries. 

Step 5: Start the engine of the car with the dead battery and allow it to run for 10 minutes. Doing so will charge the battery. If it does not start, there’s likely to be another problem. In that case, call a mobile battery installation service.

Final note

To avoid getting stranded on the road because of a dead battery, it’s best to keep the battery in tip-top condition by following its routine maintenance as mentioned by the manufacturer. 

If you need help with car battery replacement at home, call us for the best car battery change service at home.