ln an effort to ensure residents and/or business access to their assigned spaces and/or garages, Expedite Towing will confirm to the demands regarding public safety and emergency vehicle access set forth by the San Diego County fire department.
Expedite Towing agrees to respond to the property within a reasonable pericd of time when summoned by management or an authorized agent for the purpose of removing any vehicles that are not in compliance with the Property or Business regulations. All vehicles will be towed at the registered vehicle owner's expense.
Expedite Towing will, as prescribed by law, promptly report all impounded vehicies, to the appropriate law enforcement agency and will perform all operations within the guidelines set forth in Section 22658a and Section 22658,1 of California Vehicle Code.
Expedlte Towlng wlll remove any unauthorlzed or abandoned vehlcles at no expense to the property owner or agent. Expedite Towing agrees to furnish tow away signs as needed at no charge to the agent of the property upon agreement of service.
Expedite Towing agrees that their employees will act and conduct themselves in a professional manner on and off the above property address. This agreement is effective upon signature and may be canceled by either party notifyint the other in writlng. Service shall cease upon receipt of a written cancellation request by either party.
By Signing my signature below I certify as an agent that I authorize Expedite Towing to a general towing authorization of the fire lanes, fire hydrants, stenciled red zones and forvehicles parked in a manner that restricts access to the property at the above mentioned address.